Invasive Arten

Mit der Einführung von nicht-einheimischen Flusskrebsen aus Amerika, hat der Mensch einen gefährlichen Konkurrenten zu den einheimischen Arten eingeführt. Es gibt genügend Beispiele aus verschiedenen Ländern, die diese Problematik beschreiben (z.B. Ferna, 2005; Harlioglu & Harlioglu, 2006; Jones et al., 2008; Scalici et al., 2009). Die invasiven Arten sind konkurrenzstärker und verdrängen die lokalen Arten (Usio et al., 2001; Vorburger & Ribi, 1999). Zudem führen die invasiven Arten zu einer geringeren Biodiversität, einer geringeren Biomasse von Gewässerorganismen und einem Rückgang der Fischdichte im Gewässer (Ferna, 2005, Mccarthy et al., 2006; Ficotela et al., 2012; Klose et al., 2012, Matsuzaki et al., 2012). Ein weiteres Problem ist die Krebspest, die von amerikanischen Arten eingeschleppt wurde (Vennerström et al., 1998; Holdich et al., 2010).


Ferna, M. (2005). Loss of diversity and degradation of wetlands as a result of introducing exotic crayfish, Biological Invasions, 7: S. 75–85.

Ficetola, Gentile Francesco, Matteo Elio Siesa, Fiorenza De Bernardi, and Emilio Padoa-Schioppa. (2012). “Complex Impact of an Invasive Crayfish on Freshwater Food Webs.” Biodiversity and Conservation 21: S. 2641–51.

Harlioglu, M. M., & Harlioglu, A. G. (2006). Threat of non-native crayfish introductions into Turkey: global lessons. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 16(2): S. 171–181.

Holdich, D. M., Reynolds, J. D., Souty-Grosset, C., & Sibley, P. J. (2010). A review of the ever increasing threat to European crayfish from non-indigenous crayfish species. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 394-395(11): 46 S.

Jones, J. P. G., Rasamy, J. R., Harvey, A., Toon, A., Oidtmann, B., Randrianarison, M. H., Ravoahangimalala, O. R. (2008). The perfect invader: a parthenogenic crayfish poses a new threat to Madagascar’s freshwater biodiversity. Biological Invasions, 11(6): S. 1475–1482.

Klose, Kristie, and Scott D. Cooper. (2012). Contrasting Effects of an Invasive Crayfish (Procambarus Clarkii) on Two Temperate Stream Communities. Freshwater Biology 57: S. 526–540.

Matsuzaki, Shin-Ichiro S., Masaki Sakamoto, Kiyoshi Kawabe, and Noriko Takamura. (2012). A Laboratory Study of the Effects of Shelter Availability and Invasive Crayfish on the Growth of Native Stream Fish. Freshwater Biology 57: S. 874–882.

Mccarthy, Julia M., Catherine L. Hein, Julian D. Olden, and M. Jake Vander Zanden. (2006). Coupling Long-Term Studies with Meta-Analysis to Investigate Impacts of Non-Native Crayfish on Zoobenthic Communities. Freshwater Biology 51: S. 224–235.

Scalici, M., Chiesa, S., Gherardi, F., Ruffini, M., Gibertini, G., & Nonnis Marzano, F. (2009). The new threat to Italian inland waters from the alien crayfish “gang”: the Australian Cherax destructor Clark, 1936. Hydrobiologia, 632: S. 341–345.

Usio, N., Konishi, M., & Nakano, S. (2001). Species displacement between an introduced and a “vulnerable” crayfish: the role of aggressive interactions and shelter competition. Biological Invasions, 3: S. 179–185.

Vennerström, P., Söderhäll, K., & Cerenius, L. (1998). The origin of two crayfish plague (Aphanomyces astaci) epizootics in Finland on noble crayfish, Astacus astacus. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 35: S. 43–46.

Vorburger, C., & Ribi, G. (1999). Aggression and competition for shelter between a native and an introduced crayfish in Europe. Freshwater Biology, 42: S. 111–119.